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Built with a lot of hard work and love
by Jeremiah Long (JL).  Toolset includes: 

Biconomy Gasless Relay & Open Zeppelin Defender Gasless Relay
I used Biconomy along with the ThirdWeb contract interface to create a relay so I could pay gas for the minter. Gas is the small amount required to mint on Optimistic Ethereum. This makes the mint entirely free for those that collect the DinoSTEAM digital collectible cards.

ThirdWeb Smart Contract on Optimistic Ethereum
Built the smart contract, loaded the JSON traits file, and deployed on mainnet with the ThirdWeb Client Library and dashboard.

OpenAI Dall-E 2
AI Art text-to-image art creation methods. I created all the art.

ChatGPT 3.5
AI content assistant. Helped create denser copy for the dinosaurs and formatting the lesson plans. It gets you closer but you still have to do the heavy lifting of determining what is aligned and factual.

Canva Pro
Visual gfx elements, including the DinoSTEAM color frames and DinoSTEAM logo. More recently Canva Pro has Magic Studio AI suite included.
Flow Blockchain NFT launchpad created by Emerald City DAO.

Innovative system for logging in using just your email.
Browser based solution to create layered generative art. I love this solution and it does the job of a python script on your computer.

Deployed on Optimism L2 Blockchain Smart Contract 

JL Bio | Contact Info

Created by Jeremiah Long (JL). Founder and Executive Director of Wedge, Inc. an Atlanta based 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization. Wedge helps creative kids, seniors, and those in marginalized communities to learn and engage with emerging creative technologies. Long has a background in technology, content production, and product development. On Twitter he is recognized as an NFT Archaeologist, a pseudo-title for those that study the history of the blockchain. Re-Discoveries include EtherID, Immortal Player Characters, and DWorld.

⬇️ Contact JL via Linkedin or Twitter below. ⬇️
